Thursday 15 August 2013

Cast Of The Terrible Spell (Chapter Two)

" Guess the best will always be on the top..."

Well, as we predict, daddy will have uneasy aura around him. I don't know, if this is about the who will get his dragon scale wand, or about who will help me, again, to pass the test." My beautiful daughters, I were really proud with your achievement. Your guys are doing great when you smashed out the ogre at the Sellion. Oh yeah, we all living at Sellion, near US, I guess. I'm kind of lack about Geography. This town is full with awesomeness because it has movie, shopping mall to buy my lipsticks, clothes, perfumes and all the girly stuffs. Are you asking me how I can afford them? Well, magic take care of them, although it was kind of illegal in the wizards rules. But, as long no one noticed it, so why not take the benefits, right? By the way, I'm not doing this alone, I have my BFF that also hang up with me and well, used the magic to shop things. Her name is Daisy Deirdre. Her names even modern then mine because her mother is not a really a true witch. Those who not a witch had been called Horrem which means 'horrible emblem'. I don't really understands it but maybe emblem here means human. Human who is ordinary is weak, that why it been called horrible. But, it doesn't an obstacle for us to be the close friend. Even though Daisy is a half-blood, she can performs magic spells better than me. Still, the one who really amazed me is, she can make three different colors of lip gloss! Well, that really a thing! I can only make one color of lip gloss which always be blue and it's the color that I hate the most! The color also too funny for me to wear at school. If I wear this lip gloss, I definitely been the mockery by The Wannabes at school. Wannabes is a group of girls who think they were fabulous, but actually they only wore full of makeup. And, the 'best' things about them, they also dumb as their looks. They needed to present to both of schools like I did, unfortunately, both of the schools are my schools! Gosh, seriously,my luck are turning even bad. Yeah, the Wannabes are also witches. That is why I said my luck was even bad. Enough the story. Should listening to my father talks.

" Well, girls. As you should notice, that my age was in front of my looks. I'm a weak old man now. I have no strength nor power to look after you now.". "Daddy, stop that nonsense now. You make us drop our tears." Wendy starts to cry. " Well, dear. Don't drop you beautiful pearl in front of me. My time have come, but not now. You girls are too emotional." Daddy laugh gently. Daddy is known by his lame jokes. We kind of annoy with that, but maybe it's true. His an old man, so that is why he is like that. I guess. " My lovely daughter, as you see..." Daddy did not have his eyes on me, but he is looking at my three sisters. " You girls were declared as Trio Legacy Witch, which I'm proud of." I knew it. Daddy never had his attention for me. I should leave now. " You girls now need to go to find the ultimate wand which exist in this hometown. You girls need to go for an adventure that you always wished for." I choked my soup. " What?! You guys want to leave me alone?" Daddy still remain calm while Rose calm me. " Cynthia, that is not our decision. This because..."."Enough, Rose. She shouldn't know further more about it." I was so dumbfounded. I should've know that I were not belongs to this family. With this ability, am I were supposed to be proud? Shame on me. So, I ran to my room without looked back. I know Daddy will never care about me. Guess I never see my sisters anymore...or maybe they probably didn't want to see me anymore.

The moon shines tonight with the gentle light. " May I come in?" Rose come with her silk pajama and untidy red hair. She next to me at the window. The situation get awkward with the scene that happens at the dining table. " Cynthia? I..." . Seems that the words are stuck at her throat. I guess she just want to make me feel better, but that will never help. " Rose, it's okay. Don't worry about me because no one will. I should know my place.". Rose sighs. I know she is the one who care me most from anyone. She would never let me down in any cost. " Cynthia, you know why daddy never look at you?" She asked me. I still remain in silent because I do not know about that. " It is because, among the siblings, you are the most look alike mother. It's like you are the reborn of our mother." Rose took out a locket from her pocket. " Here, take a look." I push the button at the locket and it opened. A picture of our family. I thought I had never see this again. The picture of young daddy, six years old Wendy with the potion's bottle at her little palm, four years old Elizabeth and the little phoenix at her shoulder that she had summoned, three years old Rose trying to cast rainbow with 35 colors. I looked at mother. She is carrying a baby with the white cloth. I guess that is me. " Rose, should I did not exist in this picture?" . Well, after my birth, I guess mother rushed to fight Lord Aqmmrihe. " Cynthia, this picture exist in daddy memory. This is a magic locket. Daddy created it as he wants to remember his love one. I guess that is why I'm here. I took a look at mother as I never seen her before. Mother blonde hair is same as mine. We shared the same jade color eyes, and flawless white skin. So, I think I'm mother's clone. " That's why daddy look away from you, to shed over his sadness." Rose added. I fell like it's unfair, what is the problem with my look like mother? Still the answers from Rose not satisfied me. " Cynthia, while me, Elizabeth and Wendy away, please take a good care of daddy. Never look away." Rose finished her words and leave my room. She leaves my room and left the locket for me. Maybe, someday I can join my sisters if I'm at the top...

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