Wednesday 27 March 2013

I’m in good luck when I came down used the rope,the zombies did not noticed.Maybe the zombies had poor hearing.So,I silencely when into my garage.Now,I needed weapons to take me out safely from this horrible village.Maybe my knowledge from watched some zombies movies and played werewolf games can help me from this terrifiying situation.
    Now,my only salvations were tools in my garage.I hope I did not threw my old chainsaw.I guessed you should know why I needed the chainsaw.Once again,fate with me.My chainsaw was ready on my table with some web on it.I took it and carried it on my shoulder.Also,I bougt some of my useful things such as lighter,knife and some spoons.Even is sounded funny instead,but maybe in some critical times,spoon maybe good handicap.I went out of my garage and seek for escape route.I found two way.One full with zombies and the second one,only a werewolf guarded it.So,I took my steps to the second route.When the werewolf turned away,I silencely ran to the route.But....the werewolf can smelled me!It carried me up to the air.I panicked and fastly took out my spoons and hit it.If you see it logically,a spoon does not damage anything.But it worked on werewolf.The werewolf immediately whined and ran away.I guessed this my opportunity to escape.So,I set my legs to ran as fast as leopard.I almost see the road to the highway.My plan not worked as it planned.Another werewolf was tried to caught me and dragged me back to the village.

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